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CTC Signal Conditioners are DIN rail mountable modules used to convert the signal from a standard accelerometer, dual output vibration and temperature sensor, or proximity probe driver into a process control output for continuous machine monitoring. It provides signal conditioning, signal conversion, and re-transmission, and includes a dedicated 4-20 mA output temperature loop for use with CTC's TA and TC Series Temperature Sensors. CTC Signal Conditioners can also be used to trigger alarms and trip shutdowns when used in conjunction with CTC's SCD Series Relay & Protection Enclosures.
SC320/321 Series feature Dual Band Technology which allows the user to configure two independent process control output signals from one sensor. This feature allows for the monitoring of two separate vibration/frequency bands with one device. A useful example of this would be for applications requiring both standard vibration monitoring and ultrasonic early bearing fault detection. One band can be configured for monitoring a standard vibration range (ex: 10 Hz - 1 kHz), and the second band can be configured for monitoring the ultrasound range (ex: 20 kHz - 40 kHz). For applications requiring both standard vibration and ultrasound outputs, CTC recommends using our UEB Series Dynamic Vibration and Ultrasound Accelerometers in conjunction with our SC320 Series Signal Conditioners.
SC310/SC311 Series
USB Configurable, Single Band Vibration / Ultrasound plus Temperature Signal Conditioner
SC320/SC321 Series
USB Configurable, Dual Band Vibration / Ultrasound plus Temperature Signal Conditioners
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