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The LASKIT®-500 is a multipurpose laser source aimed at education, research and testing. In fact, it is the most versatile DPSS laser kit on the market, featuring five modes of operation.
Great for Education & Research!
Five different laser sources at the price of one!
Special discounts for educational and research institutions!
CW @ 1064 nm
Q-switched @ 1064 nm
Intracavity Frequency Doubled CW @ 532 nm
Intracavity Frequency Doubled and Q-Switched @ 532 nm
External Frequency Doubling of the Q-Switched 1064 nm
Education in Theory & Practice
Laser & Optics Research & Testing
Laser-Matter Interaction
Start-Up for DPSS Laser Development
Stability regions of laser cavity
Various transversal cavity modes (TEM00 and higher)
Optimum cavity configuration for TEM00 mode
Optimum output coupling
Laser threshold and differential efficiency
Passive Q-switching threshold phenomena, pulse forms, optimization for maximum output power and maximum output energy, shortest pulse conditions
Internal frequency doubling in CW-operation
External frequency doubling in Q-switched mode
Fluorescence lifetime of the active medium
Laser dynamics (relaxation oscillations, Q-switching), dependence on active medium parameters; comparison between different active media (Nd:YAG and Nd:YVO4)
Pump laser diode with Peltier cooler and attached pump optics
Laser diode driver & thermoelectric controller LDD1-1T (optional: LPS1-2T, microprocessor-controlled)
Laser crystal Nd:YAG (Nd:YVO4 optional), with a heat sink
Set of two laser cavity mirrors (flat/curved)
Cr4+:YAG passive Q-switch, AR/AR coated
KTP frequency doubler with special coatings, in a holder
Mirror and crystal mounts (3 pieces)
Optical bench
Diode laser module (670 mm) for aligning the laser cavity, with holder
Infrared-to-visible converter (model IR-VIS-15-B), ? 15 mm, for aligning the IR laser and mode analysis (also suitable for high-power lasers)
Ultrafast photo detector (model UPD-300-SP) with rise time < 300 ps, spectral range 320 - 1100 nm, external power supply, suitable for observing the relaxation oscillations and pulse duration of the Q-switched mode
CCD linear array (model CCD-2000M) with 2048 pixels, high sensitivity, driver electronics and power supply, suitable for laser beam analysis, M2 measurements, autocorrelators, etc.
The laser crystal, the passive Q-switch and the KTP-doubler are mounted in special holders for fast and easy exchange, alignment and handling. Switching from one mode of operation to another (e.g. from CW to Q-switched, or from IR to frequency doubling) can be done in a minute.
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