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The Image Diode is a proximity focussed diode vacuum photo-tube, otherwise known as a Generation 1 Proximity Image Intensi?er.
Image Diodes do not contain Microchannel Plate (MCP) electron multipliers. Instead, light gain is accomplished solely through the acceleration of photoelectrons to roughly 10 keV and the subsequent conversion of the electron energy into light via a phosphor screen. Light gain is typically >10X, and is determined by the photocathode, phosphor and applied voltage.
Image Diodes have excellent spatial resolution and dynamic range compared to MCP based image intensifiers. They are often used as “Booster Tubes” where they are fibre-optically coupled to the output of an image intensifier. This provides a brighter mage with higher dynamic range that is often required for intensified cameras operating at > 300 fps. Another common use of Image Diodes is for the conversion of Ultraviolet or Infrared light into visible light for viewing by eye or a CCD/CMOS camera.
ID018 | 18mm Image Diodes |
ID025 | 25mm Image Diodes |
ID040 | 40mm Image Diodes |
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