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Measurand | Thermal conductivity, thermal resistivity |
Measurement range | 0.1 to 6 W/(m?K) (all common soils) |
Rated operating temperature range | from 0 to +50 °C |
Measurement method | absolute measurement per ASTM D 5334-08 and IEEE Standard 442-1981(03) |
Data analysis | initial analysis by CRU, final review of measurement on PC (required by ASTM) |
Uncertainty (at 20 °C) | +/- (6 % of reading + 0.04) W/(m?K) |
Heating interval | 300 s (typical) |
Data storage capacity | 50 measurements |
Length LN02 lance | 1.4 m |
Length TP09 needle | 0.17m |
Diameter TP09 | 6.3 x 10?3 m |
Data communication | USB |
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