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FR-103XL Datasheet
Offering unsurpassed sensitivity, resolution and dynamic range (~104),the FR-103XL is a versatile and easy-to-use general purpose NL crystal (background-free) autocorrelator.It is ideally suited for low power lasers (optical telecommunications), as well as pulses from any mode-locked laser over the wavelength range from UV to 10μm.
Pulsewidth Resolution <1fs
Wavelength Range: 410nm-10μm
Scan Range: ~ 200ps
Sensitivity: (PavPpk)min = 10-7W2 [w/PMT]
Fiber Coupled/Free Space
Low Rep Rate Option
Crosscorrelation Option
Computer Interface Option
FR-103MN Datasheet
The FR-103MN is a compact version of our FR-103XL, versatile and easy-to-use.A NL crystal (background-free) autocorrelator, FR-103MN offers unsurpassed sensitivity, resolution and dynamic range (~104) It is ideally suited for low power lasers (optical telecommunications), as well as pulses from any mode-locked laser over the wavelength range from UV to 5000nm.
Pulsewidth Resolution <1fs
Wavelength Range: 410-5000nm
Scan Range: > 75ps
Sensitivity: (PavPpk)min = 10-7W2 [w/PMT]
Fiber Coupled/Free Space
Low Rep Rate Option
Crosscorrelation Option
Computer Interface Option
FR-103WS Datasheet
The FR-103WS is a dispersion-free autocorrelator for monitoring the temporal width of ultrashort optical pulses. It is perfectly suited for the measurement of long pulsewidths (up to ~300ps), with its 'real-time' scan range > 500ps, providing excellent sensitivity and resolution.
Pulsewidth Resolution < 2fs
Wavelength Range: 410nm-10μm
Scan Range: > 500ps (1ns option)
Sensitivity: (PavPpk)min = 10-7W2 [w/PMT]
Fiber Coupled/Free Space
Crosscorrelation Option
Slow Scan Option (any rep rate > 4Hz)
Computer Interface Option
FR-103HP Datasheet
The FR-103HP is a background-free, compact and cost-effective NL crystal autocorrelator,suitable for medium and high power lasers with pulsewidths within 5fs-30ps.It covers a wide range of wavelengths with easily interchangeable plug-in detector modules.
Pulsewidth Resolution →1fs
Wavelength Range: 700-5000nm
Scan Range: > 75ps
Sensitivity: (PavPpk)min = 10-2W2
Fiber Coupled/Free Space
Computer Interface Option
FR-103MC Datasheet
The FR-103MC is a palm-size Two Photon Conductivity (TPC) Interferometric Autocorrelator suitable for pulsewidths in the 5fs → 25ps range and any pulse rep rate >100Hz.
Pulsewidth Resolution →1fs
Wavelength Range: 200-5000nm
Scan Range: > 50ps
Fiber Coupled/Free Space
Computer Interface
Compact Size: 4.5" x 4" x 3.25"
FR-103TPM Datasheet
The FR-103TPM is a high resolution, interferometric TPC (Two Photon Conductivity) autocorrelator for Multiphoton Microscopy. It can be introduced in the beampath without affecting the laser's direction and its NL detector can be placed anywhere within the optical set-up (e,g. at the location of the sample), to yield the laser pulsewidth at that position.
Wavelength Range: 700-2200nm
Pulsewidth Range: 5fs-25ps
Computer Interface
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